Tuesday, February 4, 2014

If only fear couldn't keep us from our passions..

When my husband and I got married last August I had to give up my piano temporarily until we could get a bigger place. I wasn't really expecting this transition to put such a hold on my music hobby but with the combination of a very busy schedule and no piano, I was sort of destined to put music on hold. When I realized this, it kind of broke my heart. I would hate to see so much passion go to waste so lately I've been re-approaching it with a new instrument.

I hate the guitar... When I play the piano, I feel comfortable. I can hide behind it, close my eyes and belt my heart out. It's not that I'm very good at the piano. I only took lessons for 9 months but It feels natural to me. When I play the piano I feel fearless. The guitar for me is the complete opposite. I have to think so hard. It's unnatural and I feel so vulnerable. My fingers hurt and I can't relax.. But I can't let my fear of trying new instruments keep me from my passion of music.

So here's to being fearless... to taking risks and being vulnerable.. to fighting to keep your passions alive!

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