Sunday, February 2, 2014

DIY spa night, you need one of these!

Yesterday was filled to the brim with every errand you could think of. Post office visit, an hour and a half at the verizon store, trip to the bank, drop of donations at a thrift store, buy a weeks worth of miscellaneous things at walmart and finally face the tremendous crowds of people at Trader Joes the day before the Super Bowl. Do all the dishes, all the laundry and clean the bathrooms.. By the end of the day I was more than ready for some relaxation so I threw a few easy "DIY's" together and had myself a free spa night. It was beyond wonderful...

This fruit infused water was delish and easy.
Lemon, Pineapple, Strawberries, Water. Done. 

After making some homemade foot scrubs for my friends and family this Christmas, I've been on a "Scrub Kick". I made some Coconut Peppermint body scrub last night that was insanely easy and made my skin feel incredibly soft.

You will need
1 cup coconut oil (Trader Joes, $5.99)
3/4 cup epsom salts (Walmart, $4.87)
Online they show spearmint but in store it is peppermint!

Microwave the coconut oil for 30 seconds, until smooth and creamy then mix in the scented epsom salts. The end.. 

Not only does the epsom salt act as a muscle relaxer but the coconut oil moisturizes your skin, leaving a layer of smoothness. It's the best combination, you have to try it. I slept like a rock after this! 

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